GREY Weekend

It was a GREY weekend at the boat.

I stayed on the boat Saturday and Sunday this weekend and didn’t really do too much boating. It was grey and gloomy. The wind was at the threshold of “do I take the boat out or not”. The rain was 20% and raining. So I stayed at the dock. My dock mates were kind of scarce so I spent the time with my uncle, cousin and aunt which is time very well spent!

I worked on my cousins website,, generally a  memorabilia auction website yesterday evening after going to dinner by car.

I feel quite guilty from a boater standpoint! I haven’t been to the boat much. I am averaging every other week due to personal commitments and with the poor weather early in this boating season it feels like the 2019 season was almost a waste. The boat has been off of the dock MAYBE four or five times this year. I haven’t started the engines more than those runs. Due to the abbreviated season, work and ice hockey commitments I am not going to pull the boat out in the second week of October as I normally would. This season it is looking more like the end of September which is less than 15 days from now. What a bummer!

So, In a conversation with my dock partner who is a super nice guy, he has a fairly new (mid to late 2000’s) trawler style boat as seen below, he thought maybe trying Collinite cutting compound and then using something that I am new to called Rejex. Rejex says it is a polymer based wax similar to the wax I have been using. The wax I have been using is called Finish First but I don’t really think that it ever made my boat shine all that well. Considering my boat is a 1995 with some of the issues mentioned in some of my previously mentioned postings I think that my boat should still shine better than what this product has done. While I am not ready to rate it poorly, I am going to try something else just to see what results i get for the 2020 boating season.

That’s what I have for you for this week! I hope your boating excursions have been treating you well! Remember, keep the painted side down!
