2021 Boating Season Retrospect

At Craft Marine in Sandusky, Ohio

As the 2021 boating season concludes… I need to share with you the reason behind the lack of my posting anything over the past 2 years. In 2011 I stepped away from my love of officiating ice hockey. When I did, I gained nearly 200 LBS. In May of 2021 after trying everything to get my life back for almost 10 years, I was blessed enough to have Gastric Bypass. As of this day, I lost 130LBS and have 70LBS to go.

Holding on for dear life as the lift operator took me far higher than the 3 rungs I am comfortable climbing on a ladder

I have not been posting much because I just did not feel well enough to do anything outside of going to work then recovering from work to go back to work. The excess weight took its toll. Blood pressure, blood sugar, sleep apnea all became a problem. Today, I am free of those problems. I can finally enjoy boating once again. I have also returned to ice hockey.

Ever notice how your boat accumulates “stuff” on the day of haul out?

When I tell you I have spent my life on the water I really mean it. Boating in the summer and ice hockey in the winter. Its all a matter of state.

My uncle took a picture of me holding on to the arch as my life flashed before my eyes

As my weight peeled off this season, I went boating quite a bit more with my uncle on his 38 foot Silverton Express. I did not spend much time under way on my Baja WB340. Not for a lack of desire or because of some mechanical problem… it was just that the opportunity to use my boat was less this season. Next season, I think my boat will see FAR more use.

Tell me about some of your experiences this season!



Winter Blues

My fellow boaters, I don’t know about you, but as a boater in Ohio I am itching for our return to the water. As I write this, I am reminded of a speech given by John F. Kennedy. While I do not aim to make any posts political, his speech on “going back to the water” has always moved me a bit. Maybe because its in my blood. Here it is… Continue reading “Winter Blues”
