A Season-End Review

Season End Review

This wasn’t an overly active season. Having only put about 15 hours on the boat I really don’t have much to report! Here are some pictures from the season.

Brian, Patrick and I waxed my 34 foot Baja AND my uncles 38 foot Silverton.
Launch Date May 12, 2018! A very joyous day for everyone!
Moved to a New Dock Space at Cedar Point Marina in Sandusky, Ohio!
With the new Move… turning to the left from the picture above at sunset provides a picture worthy of a postcard!
A walk to the boat from the showers. Another picturesque evening!
On my Uncles Boat Today! The worlds largest inflatable rubber duck visits Downtown Sandusky, Ohio during tall ship weekend.
I created www.FixTheBoat.com in order to provide work for service providers AND to provide a no nonsense location for boaters to get service.
