What to do in 2019

Over the past 3 years I have had “intentions” to take a 1 week vacation each year to a fairly local location. The options range from Leamington to Maumee Bay to Cleveland’s Air Show (only when the Blue Angles are in town). Here would be my idea of a 1 week vacation.

This is a second by second account of what I would do to prepare.

Fuel Pier at Cedar Point

First, the week before fuel up the boat, check the fluids, the batteries and clean the ole girl within an inch of her life. Rinse out the fresh water tank and clean the AC filters. Get the boat tuned up and running flawlessly.

The ugliness of stocking the boat. For an OCD Person this is hell lol 🙂

Next, I am going to stock up the boat with soda and water. I don’t drink so I don’t really carry alcohol onboard. I’d go shopping for non perishables and stock the boat with food including the forward bilge. Ill take my notes on what everyone who is going is going to want that ISN’T perishable. Steaks, dogs, burgers, seafood, Onions, Peppers, Corn… the essentials.

Open Noon – 8PM Monday – Friday

Hopefully I’ll have a slammed week at work during the week prior. I’d need to get a ton of items at work done. Follow up with my big clients. Set expectations while I am gone.

Friday at 2PM I start closing up my office. Just before I’ll leave go over any notes for the trip. Ill forget that I didn’t grab any cash so Ill need to hit the bank and pull out $1k-$2k. I don’t like to travel light. Hit the store grab the perishable items and pack them in the cooler and head to the boat.

The vacation begins for me about 35-45 minutes after I have left as I approach Vermilion Ohio. At this point I am too far away to be strongly connected to home and work. The internal load can begin to lighten up.

On my Baja facing the back of my Uncle’s Boat.

My focus begins to shift to my relaxing thoughts of boating, traveling on the boat and the fact that with any luck my Mom, Uncle & Aunt, Cousins, Brother   and maybe a few others will be joining us for the trip. Family is important to me. I want to spend boating time with them. Its quality time that we will all think about for eternity.

My boat in the back & Uncles up front

As I arrive to the boat, hopefully first, I can get the boat uncovered, stocked and check the fluids one more time. Get the cabin cool or cold and just set a warm atmosphere for everyone who is going to be tagging along.

PIB for 3 nights

Once we are stocked, cleaned up and uncovered I’m calling everyone to see where they are and how they are doing. Usually everyone is stressed. So I get to change their thinking of stress  into thinking of the next 7 days of destination boating.

Now, its time to get going! The family helps get the boats off of the docks and we stage at the fuel pier to leave as a fleet. We match  radio frequencies and take off. Its usually a quiet ride. But when we dock let the festivities begin!

It felt good to tell you what I do to get on vacation. Next time Ill walk you through the actual vacation. It will be a LONG one! 🙂

I have to get a ton of things on the same page. Work, the staff, family, health, money. Lets hope it works!
