Setting Course for this Summer

So after a dismal November 2018, Questionable December 2018 and a much better looking 2019 I am planning the 2019 boating season.

Well, first and foremost I have received a “partial clean bill of health”.

The oncologist told me that the full body CT or CAT scan showed no evidence of any issues. They took 14 tubes of blood still looking for possible signs of the big C, some auto immune issues among other things. Although I have not heard back from him, I am feeling better and I am confident that poor or negative health won’t be playing a role in the 2019 boating season.

This weekend was the closest to the water I have been since buttoning up the boat. A very good friend had his annual card game this past weekend. 32 of 38 people showed up to Forrest City Yacht Club in Cleveland, Ohio and while I never expect to walk away with cash or points I did get on the scoreboard this year! While waiting for a round to begin I was able to catch a very ironic picture on the break wall. A picture on the rocks asking people in the yacht club to stay off of the rocks. As a boater, I chuckled and said to myself “That is good advice, for any boater!”

The January 2019 Mid American snow storm started during the annual card game. Being on the lake we were expecting to get hammered with snow first and worse than most other areas in Cleveland. The picture from here just looked like we had a light dusting of snow but after 24 hours it got a bit more serious.

It got so deep that a number of friends and I missed the Mid-American Boat Show at the IX Center this season. For someone who is into the boating experience as I have become, my level of bummed out was quite high. With over 450 Boats advertised and a $2 increase in the gate fee I was anticipating a much better show with more displays and booths to visit this year.

In closing for the day, I have a ton to overcome both personally, professionally and “boatfessionally” before my tentative splash date of May 11, 2019. Things are looking way better for this year than the last 2 years. I hope you are as eager as I am to get into the boating season. See you soon!
